Friday, February 16, 2007


Perfectly Unperfect
If you love me
The world will keeps spinning
As the birds continue singing
While the wind blows
And the rivers go on with their flows

If I love you
The clouds will let down rain
Accidents so great will occur
Causing all around excruciating pain
And to this I concur
Corral reefs will die
Birds won’t fly
Dogs won’t bark
The sun won’t shine
It’ll always be dark
and grapes will turn into wine

If we love each other
All these things make sense
Natural disaster some might say
Who knows it might even snow in may
But that the weird thing about love
It works in mysterious ways

Explanation: I felt like the poet (Cummings) was sugar coating everything. I mimicked his ways of starting off his three paragraphs with if I love you, if you love me and if we love each other. However I decided to divide each paragraph into different sections. The first paragraph where I talk about his love for me I write down all the good things and things in life and on earth that happen everyday for example the world spinning. However in the second paragraph I write down many of the negative things in life like train accidents and pain. In this paragraph I also focus on things that would be tragic if they occurred like the sun not sing or birds not being able to sing. In the last paragraph where I talk about the love we have towards each other I make it all sense without making perfect sense. Its suppose to be confusing at the end because love itself is confusing. Its almost as if thought im taking the average of both sides to end up with a medium. What I mean by this is that I take all the good things plus all the bad things and as a result just end up with the present (as in what’s happening right now).
I chose to write my poem like this because like I mentioned before I felt that Cummings was sugar coating his poem a bit too much. Love is not all sweet so I felt like there’s no reason why I should sugar coat it when I can just write about the positives and negatives.

1 comment:

S.S.G.C. said...

Hey Jannuty,

Well I really liked the way you interpreted the poem. I also like the way you did your poem. I was kind of confused at first but with your explanation it made sense. I like how you decided to use the normal everyday happenings with "natural disasters" and then making it at the end like a balanced. Like you balanced both in the end. I really liked that technique. I also like how at the end you mention the immposible and how that defines your love towards that one important person. Nice job!