Thursday, February 1, 2007

When Ure Hero Falls

when your hero falls from graceall fairy tales r uncoveredmyths exposed and pain magnifiedthe greatest pain discoveredu taught me 2 be strongbut im confused 2 c u so weaku said never 2 give upand it hurts 2 c u welcome defeatwhen ure hero falls so do the starsand so does the perception of tomorrowwithout my hero there is onlyme alone 2 deal with my sorrowyour heart ceases 2 workand your soul is not happy at allwhat r u expected 2 dowhen ure only hero falls
- by Tupac Shakur


devinkozdogu said...


Tupac was quite the poet. I particularly like how he reveals the stages of disappointment, step by step throughout the poem. First, he discusses fairy tales and the inevitably disappointment they cause. Then, he directs his language right at the fallen hero by saying "it hurts to see you welcome defeat". Then, he further discusses the personal impact it has on him.

The power of this poem lies in its honesty and its critical questioning stance. When Tupac relates heroes to fair tales, he basically states that heroes are somewhat false idols to be worshipped (because no one is perfect; to err is human). Then he asks at the end "what r u expected 2 do/ when ure only hero falls"? To me, he is seemingly stating that we all go through this period of disenchantment and disillusionment. He is preparing us for it so that we will not be so shattered when that day finally comes.

Nice selection, very poignant.

Cesar said...

I really like this poem. It reveals how one may have someone who they look up too, but when they are gone you have no one. Its very well written and Tupac is a good poet.