Thursday, February 1, 2007

PJ#1 Response to "Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note" by Amiri Baraka

Now and Tomorrow (living life)
While you have become accustomed
Im still struggle to figure out what life has in stored for me
Every morning that I get up
to go to school, hang out with friends or simply relax ...

I cant help but think what life has in stored for me next
And everyday I live life to the fullest
keeping my distance form those unneccesarry people
And when they cannot be at a distance
I just ignore them
Im living my life
And when I hear my friends laugh and my family smile
I hope to stay with my family and friends for a long while
But only God knows my destiny
So in the meanwhile I will continue to aspire
To live life like I own it
and to keep thinking What does life have for me next?

I decided to write a poem in response to the poem "Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide" by Amiri Baraka because I feel we have completely different feelings. The poem is a depressing and suicidal poem that looks forward to death rather than life. I however on the other hand don’t focus on death but instead on life. I feel that im at a point in my life where Im eager to know what’s next for me? Suicide is the last thing on my mind. I incorporated my friends and family in the poem because they are my main reason for life. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be where I am today. I know im going somewhere in life but as of right now I don’t know where. During this journey I will encounter people I might not necessarily get along with or agree with but instead of focusing on the negative people in my life I will just ignore them(hint* hint* its in the poem) and focus on those who influence my life positively.

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1 comment:

Noel said...

Dang Jannette! …. I have to read your poetry more often because on the real, you have talent. The way you made your poem flow, the structure, and the meaning behind it was tight. I like your poem because I see it in you, (your being your poem), I hear your voice through the poem. We are friends and what not(well I consider you my friend, I don’t know if you do, probably to cool for me), but out of all the time that I have know you, I have never seen this side of you, I don’t mean anything bad from this. I also was captivated by the way you view life and death, I view it the same. I don’t worry about tomorrow because we are not promised tomorrow, so I just worry about today.

P.S. I think you should post this on the lit room wall, Your background had me trippen when I was trying to read ur poem, Keep writing, I aint lien, you got skills